Dear all our guests who are making comments about Rixos Hotels.
I would like to say that, in many cases, your negative comments does not reflect the service that we are giving in Rixos Hotels.
I wonder about the agency that you are meaning about we had many complaints this year (madalinamercare) ! Which agency could lie like that?! Would you please ask them if they really had the complaints and how many compensations they had from Rixos Hotels. I will follow up this issue by myself by the Rixos Hotels.
The concept of the Rixos Hotels are very well known by every guest and agency and we have the factsheets that are written all in formal way.
If anybody needs any information please do not hesitate to contact with me as well.
About Calista Hotel, it is one of the good hotels in Antalya but they are not in the same service and quality level as Rixos Hotels.
And Mardan Palace, it is also the luxury hotel, but the concept is totaly different than All-inc.
So, as the professional Romanian Tourists, you can ask and get many details from your partner agencies or even by the hotel directly by asking through their websites or callcenters.
Best regards...
Trimis de t_alver in 27.07.09 17:18:17
15 ecouri scrise, până acum, la acest articol
NOTĂ: Părerile și recomandările din articol aparțin integral autorului (t_alver); în lipsa unor alte precizări explicite, ele nu pot fi considerate recomandări sau contrarecomandări din partea site-ului („AFA”) sau ale administratorilor.
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15 ecouri scrise, până acum, la acest articol
Mr. ALVER is a high-rank official at Rixos Hotels (Rixos chain), he's in fact Sales manager for Balcans & Italy & Spain.
Mr. Alver: I DO appreciate this official point of view from the hotel staff. (In fact, this is the first such feedback here, at, and in my personal oppinion this honours the hotel and his Customer Care services)
But... unfortunately I cannot admit this as a review.
I know, you've posted here only because there is no adequate place (yet) in the website for such - useful, in some cases- posts. I will implement, as soon as possible (AmFostAcolo. ro is still a hobby-project for me, it can have only a limited part of my spare-time), an appropriate section for such kind of feedback.
Anyway, after a brief re-evaluation, I've decided to keep your post here, until a more suitable place would be included in the structure of the site -- my visitors may be interested in contacting / responding [to] you.
Draga webmaster,
Cum eu sunt un viitor turist al Rixos Premium, iar opiniile unora dintre conationalii nostri au fost cat pe ce sa ma influenteze sa renunt la acest hotel, vreau sa subliniez ca mi se pare un semn de bun augur acest post al dlui ALVER.
Faptul ca nu le este indiferenta opinia unora dintre clienti, pentru mine semnifica grija pentru turist. Si probabil, mai important decat felurile de mancare si bautura, sau mai stiu eu ce alte aspecte, de altfel importante, esentialul il constituie ca acolo unde mergi, hotelierii sa te faca sa te relaxezi.
Nu spun ca cei care au postat aici nu au reflectat realitatea asa cum au resimtit-o, dar poate au fost asteptarile prea mari sau au ridicat stacheta prea sus.
Oricum, acest post pentru mine e un semn pozitiv si imi pare bine ca nu l-ati sters.
chrismo, "cunoscandu-te" de ceva timp (virtual, desigur), ceva-mi spune ca o sa te intorci deplin multumit(a) de la Rixos.
Vacanta placuta.
Dear webmaster;
Firstly ı would like to thank for your being such kind and gentle. As I am following up your website, I do really apreciate that I can also find many comments from Romania about the hotels by Türkiye - ANTALYA which is good for us, as hoteliers, to implement more better service and quality service. So that maybe this site could carry the idea of more than being a hobby, but make the clients more lightning.
I could not stop myself to write after some of the comments, which are not reflecting the truths. I agree that in all hotels as well as Rixos Hotels had some problems in some cases but that doesnt mean to be "mean" to the hotels. I guess, I had already told what I want to say. I am proud of being in a service industry and where I am by the leading company of this industry which we named as Rixos Hotels. I am open to all kind of requests and comments and more, if ı can help or assist our guests in somehow i will be more than glad.
My best regards and appreciations once more...
NB t_alver este (sau a fost) reprezentant al unității
And for Mr. Tumay, I believe it's a good initiative as a Sales Manager to follow up the reviews and complaints of the Rixos hotels' tourists.
This is a good way to observe any possible problems and take measures to avoid them in the future.
If all hotels would have such a creative approach to Customer Care and Sales, they would all be faultless.
As a tourist, I thank you for your interest in our opinions.
maharet, am sters randurile scrise in romana, despre lantul Rixos. Nu ma indoiesc de bunele tale intentii, dar in context sunau ca un comunicat de marketing
Daca doresti sa scrii despre cele 3 sejururi acolo, poti folosi rubrica impresii a fiecarui hotel in parte.
Webmaster, imi cer scuze pentru "comunicatul de matketing". E o deformare profesionala.
O sa gasesc ceva timp sa postez la fiecare dintre hoteluri impresiile mele despre sederea acolo, poate astfel ajut alti viitori turisti in alegerea lor.
nice choice...if you need anything do not hesitate to contact with me ... :-)
NB t_alver este (sau a fost) reprezentant al unității
Maybe because I am working in hotel industry in Bucharest and maybe due to this site where I readied positive comments about these hotel chain my expectation regarding Rixos were too high. I am a little disappointed about Rixos Sungate. I am now in the hotel and I will post my comment when I'll be back home.
I am writing for Mr. Tumay because there are a lot of things which can be improved in Rixos Sungate just to be as good as the agency told to all your guests.
Nimic nu ma poate face sa-mi schimb impresia despre Rixos, am fost acolo si am fost tare dezamagita. Hai sa fim seriosi ca personalul nu a invatat ce este politetea, hai sa spunem ca am fost cazata la camera 1327 si aveam o mocheta imputita, voi posta o poza sa vedeti, un mobilier de doi lei. DEZAMAGIRE TOTALA!!! Aici am aflat de zona franceza ca ar avea diferite fenomene meteo.
Calista are 10 clase peste Rixos.
Sper ca poza postata de mine sa arate realitatea , bine ar fi ca poza sa poata fi marita si sa fie clara la dimensiune mare. Acum il astept pe Mr.Alver sa-mi vorbeasca de quality level . Pentru cei care cred ca sunt rau voitoare sa nu uite ca vb. de 5 stele , un pret pe masura si conditii de 2 stele. Eu personal mi-am luat mare teapa si sunt sincera si arat realitatea . Cine vrea sa-si ia teapa sa mearga la Rixos.
Am fost acolo in perioada 10-20.08.2009.
Pot sa va asigur ca tot ceea ce a postat crissy este real. Chiar asteptam sa ne contrazica Ms.Alver
Este exagerat de scump pentru ceea ce ofera.
Mr Alver,
I'm right now in RiXoS Premium Belek... and I would be so happy to talk to you, or to someone who can handle our problems that we've met in this awful hotel. I regret the booking for this Hotel.
Please leave me a contact detail if possible.
best regards,
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