Am stat aproape 3 luni in Maastricht si pot spune ca m-am familiarizat cat de cat cu "stilul" olandez. Au fost lucruri care mi-au placut si lucruri care m-au dezamagit. Printre lucrurile care m-au impresionat au fost... bicicletele, Olanda fiind renumita pentru acest mijloc de transport. Aproape toata lumea merge la serviciu cu bicicleta: femei, barbati, oameni de rand, directori, oameni cu copii mici, aproape toti. Poate de aceea, precum si pt a-i proteja pe biciclisti (calatorii ECO), in cazul in care are loc un accident in care sunt implicati un sofer si un biciclist, soferul este vinovat din start si trebuie sa isi demonstreze nevinovatia - cam asa procedeaza politia de acolo. In schimb, au piste pentru biciclete si chiar semafoare pentru biciclete. Ei? !
Ce nu au ei, cel putin in zona Maastricht, sunt obiectivele turistice. Stand acolo mai mult timp, am incercat sa vizitez cate ceva, insa in afara de celebra cladire unde s-a semnat Tratatul de la Maastricht si cateva "castele" nu ai ce vizita. Castelele au ghilimele intrucat ori sunt ruine, ori sunt niste simple case mai mari, care nu au nimic spectaculos. Poti sa treci de mai multe ori pe langa un astfel de castel si sa nu il remarci. Abia dupa ce iei o harta turistica iti dai seama ca acea casuta mai mare este numita pompos "castel". In aceeasi ordine de idei si pentru a reliefa cat sunt de saraci la acest capitol, pot sa va povestesc ceea ce mi s-a intamplat cand, facand parte dintr-un grup de turisti carora li se arata orasul, am crezut ca este pur si simplu o gluma atunci cand am fost dusi in centrul orasului si ni s-a aratat o statuie; dar sa nu credeti ca era ceva vechi sau grozav. Era pur si simplu o statuie contemporana, care nu reprezenta ceva deosebit. Acela era un obiectiv turistic! Si ma gandeam in acele momente la castelele noastre care nu sunt toate intretinute corespunzator, ca sa nu mai vorbim de promovarea lor.
In Maastricht este frumos sa mergi pe malul raului Maas, care traverseaza orasul, si sa observi stilul de constructie specific si, bineinteles, curatenia si ordinea. Mai sunt cateva biserici, insa nu pot sa spun ca sunt deosebite. Centrul este cochet si are si multe magazine, castigand in nu mai stiu ce an premiul de cel mai bun oras pentru cumparaturi din Europa. De asemenea, datorita numarului mare de studenti, este orasul ce cea mai mare densitate de baruri si cluburi din Olanda. Aici pluseaza mult orasul, si anume la capitolul distractii intrucat, aproape in fiecare duminica se intampla cate ceva (un carnaval, un concert in aer liber, o manifestare artistica de orice fel, etc.), ca sa nu mai vorbim de targul de Craciun, care este superb.
Asadar, daca ajungeti in Maastricht, va recomand sa cautati distractia (iar pentru cei interesati - magazine) si mai putin obiectivele turistice. Si nu uitati sa inchiriati o bicicleta si sa va plimbati prin centru (ca sa simtiti pulsul orasului) sau in imprejurimile localitatii pana dati de o moara de vant traditionala - asta trebuie vazuta.
Calatorie placuta!
Trimis de Gilda in 25.05.11 21:31:45
- A fost prima sa vizită/vacanță în BENELUX
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Notele acordate la capitolul "Bucatarie si masa" nu sunt relevante pentru un review de calatorie astfel incat acestea au fost retrase.
"Sights of Maastricht
Maastricht is known for its picturesque squares, romantic streets, and historical buildings. The tourist information office (VVV) is located in the Dinghuis, a 15th-century former town hall and law courts building on the corner of Grote Staat and Kleine Staat. The main sights include:
Fortress of Sint Pieter on Sint-Pietersberg
Vrijthof, Saint Servatius Basilica
Bassin harbour
The small Jeker river
Stadspark Maastricht
Sint PietersbergCity Fortifications, including:
Helpoort - a 13th century town gate, the oldest in the Netherlands.
fragments of the first and second medieval city walls.
Hoge Fronten (or Linie van Du Moulin) - remnants of 17th and 18th century fortifications with a number of well-preserved bastions and an early 19th century fortress Fort Willem.
Casemates - underground network of tunnels, built as sheltered emplacements for guns and cannons. These tunnels run for several miles underneath the city's fortifications. Guided tours available.
Binnenstad - inner city shopping district, including Grote and Kleine Staat, and high-end shopping street Stokstraat. Maastricht is also well-known for its cafés, pubs and restaurants.
Dinghuis - Medieval courthouse with an early Renaissance facade.
Entre Deux - a recently rebuilt shopping centre which has won several international awards. [5] It includes a book store located inside a former 13th century Dominican church. In 2008, British newspaper The Guardian proclaimed this the world's most beautiful bookshop. [6]
Vrijthof - the best-known square in the city. Sights:
Sint-Servaas Basiliek - Romanesque church of Saint Servatius. The tomb of Saint Servatius in the crypt is a favoured place of pilgrimage: Pope John Paul II visited here in 1985.
Sint-Janskerk - sandstone Gothic church dedicated to Saint John the Baptist with distinctive red tower.
Theater aan het Vrijthof - main city theatre with Neoclassical facade.
Onze Lieve Vrouweplein - picturesque tree-lined square with an abundance of pavement cafes. Sights:
Basilica of Our Lady - 11th-century church.
Derlon Museumkelder - a small museum in the basement of hotel Derlon with Roman remains.
Markt - the Market Square was completely refurbished in 2006-2007 and is now virtually traffic free. Sights include:
Town hall - built in the 17th century by Pieter Post.
Mosae Forum - a brandnew shopping centre and civic building designed by Jo Coenen and Bruno Albert. Citroën Miniature Cars, the world's largest exposition of Citroën miniature cars, is inside the Mosae Forum parking garage below the square.
Bassin - a restored early 19th century inner harbour with restaurants and cafés. The surroundings are currently being developed into a cultural hotspot.
Jekerkwartier - a picturesque neighbourhood with the small river Jeker popping up between old houses and remnants of city walls.
Natural History Museum.
Wyck - the old quarter on the right bank of the Meuse river. Rechtstraat is the main shopping street in Wyck with a mix of specialty shops, art galleries and restaurants.
Céramique - a modern neighbourhood on the site of the former Céramique potteries. Now a showcase of architectural highlights:
Bonnefanten Museum by Aldo Rossi.
Centre Céramique (public library and exhibition space) by Jo Coenen.
La Fortezza by Mario Botta.
Siza Tower by Álvaro Siza Vieira.
Also buildings by MBM, Cruz y Ortiz, Luigi Snozzi, Aurelio Galfetti, Herman Hertzberger, Charles Vandenhove, Bob Van Reeth and Christian Kieckens.
Parks - there are various parks in Maastricht. Of particular note are the following:
Stadspark - the main public park on the West bank of the river.
Monsigneur Nolenspark - extension of Stadspark with remnants of medieval city walls.
Aldenhofpark - another extension of Stadspark with statue of d'Artagnan.
Charles Eykpark - modern park between the public library and Bonnefanten Museum on the East bank of the Meuse river
Griendpark - modern park on the East bank of the river with inline-skating and skateboarding course.
Sint-Pietersberg - a modest hill just South of the city, peaking at 171 metres (561 ft) above sea level. Sights:
Fort Sint-Pieter - an 18th-century fortress fully restored in 2008.
"Grotten Sint-Pietersberg (caves) - sandstone (marl) quarry with vast network of man-made tunnels. Guided tours are available.
Ruine Lichtenberg - a farmstead containing a ruined medieval castle keep.
D'n Observant - artificial hilltop on Sint-Pietersberg.
[edit] Museums in Maastricht
Bonnefanten Museum
Museum aan het VrijthofBonnefanten Museum - the foremost museum for old masters and contemporary fine art in the province of Limburg. The collection features Medieval sculpture, early-Italian and Southern Netherlandish painting, and contemporary art (American Minimalism, Concept Art and Arte Povera.
Museum aan het Vrijthof - local history museum in the 16th century Spanish Government building, featuring period rooms with 17th and 18th century furnishings, Maastricht silver, porcelain, glassware, and a collection of Flemish Baroque paintings and 20th century paintings from local artists.
Treasury of the Basilica of Saint Servatius - religious artifacts from the 4th - 20th century, notably those related to Saint Servatius. Highlights: the shrine, the key and the crosier of Saint Servatius, and the reliquary bust donated by Alexander Farnese, Duke of Parma. Every seven years, during the Heiligdomsvaart ceremony, the 12th-century gilded Noodkist, a reliquary containing the saint's relics, is taken out of the treasury and carried around the town centre.
Treasury of the Basilica of Our Lady - religious artifacts.
Derlon Museumkelder - a preserved archeological site in the basement of a hotel with Roman and pre-Roman remains.
Natural History Museum - exhibiting collections relating to geology, paleontology and flora and fauna of Limburg. An important treasure in the collection is the skeleton of a Mosasaur. "
articolul de mai sus este reprodus din Wikipedia... toate acestea par interesante, mi-ar fi placut sa citesc ceva despre acestea eventual sa vad si ceva poze ca apoi sa judec chiar eu daca sunt sau nu interesante!
Si inca ceva acest oras concureaza cu Nijmegen la titlul de cel mai vechi oras al Olandei.
Eu am votat!
Ma pregateam sa intreb de concertul lui Andre Rieu...
Dupa aceea l-am citit pe Cristian.
Dupa cum spuneam (vezi faza cu statuia), ei fac reclama la orice si stiu foarte bine sa isi vanda "marfa"... Cinste lor!
@balasa violeta... si eu l-am votat, e interesant si mai ales pentru ca review-ul depaseste 500 de cuvinte si 5 fotografii, lucru din ce in ce mai rar in zilele noastre...
Multumesc, dorgo! Dar chiar am depasit 500 de cuvinte? ! Vai, ce mult vorbesc! Si inca as mai avea de spus... Numai ca, recitindu-l, imi dau seama ca nu am reusit sa fiu chiar obiectiva, ci am prezentat totul prin prisma obiectivelor turistice de la noi. Adica, da, poti sa prezinti o lista cu denumiri pe care le poti numi obiective turistice dar, cand te duci la fata locului si compari un castel de la ei cu Castelul Huniazilor sau atatea altele de la noi, atunci iti dai seama ca termenul de castel are sensuri total diferite. Asta nu inseamna ca obiectivele lor turistice nu sunt importante (mai ales pentru olandezi), insa ceea ce am vrut sa spun este ca acestea - obiectivele - nu sunt atat de spectaculoase (nu gasesc alt termen) ca cele de la noi. Si merita vizitate, cel putin pentru a face comparatie cu cele de la noi si a ne da seama cat suntem de bogati la acest capitol!
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