Ella F. - [1] reviews

AUG-2012 »» Potos Hotel / POTOS / GRECIA

A big 10 for Potos Hotel!!!

We just returned back from our holliday, and we want to say thank you Mr. Aris from Hotel Potos, we had a very nice time there. The Hotel, its very clean, every morning we had new towels, and they clean our room. The food, is really so good and so much. You won't fine the same food every day... fresh fruits, very delicious everything. The owner is very kind, and if you have any "problem" he will fix it for you, so go and have a nice holiday in Potos Hotel. So, Mr. Aris & all the stuff has a [...]  citește review
  • încărcate în [06.09.12]satisfacţie: 100.00%
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