john65 - [1] reviews

JUL-2012 »» Complex Plaja Golf [Corbu] / CORBU / CAPUL MIDIA / ROMÂNIA


We arrived last Friday at 17.00 pm. We parked our car... and I went to the reception to give my identity card: The answer from the reception: " I need first of all the money!!! " This was only the biginning!! I paid all the ammount for 2 nights... an after, ,,big surprise: our room was a little bit better than a house for dogs!! A strong smell of shit in the room... and everything was dirty! The owner of this place is a very good guy: he goes daily to the beach with his 4X4 making [...]  citește review
  • încărcate în [16.07.12]satisfacţie: 14.00%
  • 1 total revs john65
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