Matthias - [1] reviews ROMÂNIA

AUG-2011 »» Pensiunea Ioana din Poiană / POIENILE IZEI

Experience of ingenuous hospitality - Experienta unei ospitalitati autentice

We stayed with Ioana din Poiana in summer 2011 and experienced true, honest, ingenuous hospitality. A warm feeling of being really welcome you can never experience in a hotel. The family helped us wherever they could. After asking they even made possible that we can enter the town hall privately at any time by getting the key for it to have internet access - without charging anything extra. Ioana cooked freshly every day, mainly food they grow themselves. Very good quality of authentic local [...]  citește review
  • încărcate în [22.02.12]satisfacţie: 100.00%
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